Are you looking High DA Dofollow blog commenting sites list? Today I am going to share awesome List Of Instant Approval Blog Commenting Sites List with all of you.
In 2023 most things are changed. Google bots have become more smarter and the competition is gone to a next level. But still, blog commenting has not lost its importance.

If you want to grow your website and want to instant links with high authority sites then only blog commenting sites will help you to gain high DA with backlinks.
Blog commenting sites are an example of Off-Page SEO strategies that offer high-quality backlinks at no expense.
What is Blog Commenting Sites
Comment on other blog (Blog Commenting) is a good and free way to create backlinks for your blog. This is a very good way to know the thoughts and suggestions of a blog’s reader about that article.
Blog commenting sites are sites where the Internet users put their viewpoints with sharing their opinions about the article which they have read, By blog comments, you can connect users with worldwide.
By commenting on the other blogs you are open to get connected with many of the users across the world. For the easy access of our dear readers we have got the instant approval blog commenting sites list.
When readers comment on a blog, then Blogger realizes how much people are liking their article and giving suggestions.
Now let’s get into the topic “How to Create Backlinks from Blog Commenting sites”
How To Create Backlinks From Blog Commenting
To comment on another blog, you need to fill some details like the name, email, and URL of your blog post in the option of the website, and when you submit it.

Your comment will remain pending until the approval is approved, and when the blog admin approves of it, your comment will also be shown there on that blog and, you will get a backlink also.
Benefits of DoFollow Blog Commenting Sites List
Comment matters a lot for a blog post. Without blog comments, your page is incomplete. Blog comments are the practical way through which readers can interact with the publishers.
- These comment sites help to establish the brand identity of your brand.
- Increase the targeted traffic to your website or blog.
- It helps to enhance the conversion range of your business.
- These sites offer do follow backlinks which pass the link juice to your website or blog.
- Build the more visibility towards the right audience.
- Build strong relationship with the visitors and convert visitors into the customers.
- Increase the social media followers of your blog or website.
Blog Commenting Sites list:
Getting the Back links from these blogs is not easy thing, it is possible when you will go with natural ways. Keep your comment relevant to post and don’t use keyword in name section.
Digital Marketing commenting sites
- Neilpatel : DA 87
- QuickSprout : DA 73
- ShoutMeLoud : DA 69
- Backlinko : DA 63
- SmartPassiveIncome : DA 67
- JustaGirlandHerBlog : DA 57
- : DA 58
- Elegant Themes Blog: DA 90
- Problogger : DA 78
- : DA 52
- 99techpost : DA 40
- : DA 54
- Matthew Woodward: DA 52
- : DA 53
- MelyssaGriffin : DA 58
- SmartBlogger : DA 57
- : DA 30
- Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog : DA 60
- RobbieRichards : DA 42
- Inspire to Thrive : DA 42
- : DA 40
- GotchSeo : DA 40
- DA 28
Tech blog for blog commenting Site
These blogs are top rated blog in technology. so submit your comment on top technology blog earn the natural back link for your technology site.
- Trak : DA 64
- AllTechBuzz : DA 56
- TechWalls : DA 57
- TroubleFixers : DA 50
- CallingAllGeeks : DA 40
- ShoutMeTech : DA 34
- TechLast : DA 39
- Techrepublic
Lifestyle blogs for Commenting
Here are the websites you should check if you are planning for blog commenting:
- Aha-Now: DA 43
- EverythingMom: 45
- DashofWellness: DA 33
- DA 57
- PurseBlog: DA 69
- Wit & Delight: DA 52
Free Food Blog Commenting Sites List
These food blogs have good SEO matrix such as DA, PA and DR. That’s why, I am recommending to submit the comment on these blogs and build the useful link for your website for ranking improvement.
- 100daysofrealfood – DA 71
- Pinchofyum – DA 69
- Balancedbites – DA 61
- Appforhealth – DA 54
- Choosingraw– DA 52
- Aroundtheplate – DA 52
- Anutritionisteats – DA 34
- Bentolunch – DA 34
- Cybelepascal – DA 32
- Diabeticmediterraneandiet– DA 29
- Agirldefloured – DA 26
Health blog commenting sites
- 100DaysofRealFood – DA 63
- HiveHealthMedia – DA 56
- HealthResource4u – DA 54
- AggiesKitchen – DA 51
- HealthBeckon – DA 51
- FitnessVsWeightLoss – DA 50
- TheMasterCleanse – DA 49
- WeightLossTriumph – DA 43
Finance blog commenting sites:
- MoneySavingMom – DA 73
- SavingAdvice – DA 64
- ChristianPf – DA 61
- ModestMoney – DA 54
- ManvsDebt – DA 52
- OneCentAtATime – DA 51
- FinancialHighway – DA 48
- OneMint – DA 47
- SafalNiveshak – DA 45
Blog Commenting Sites List
By working on SEO blog commenting sites list ensures quick approval in your niche for better results. It’s a great thing for blog commenters.
Tips for Effective Comments on other Website
In WordPress, there are many Blog CommentingPlugins which will add a bookmark to your blog posts from where users can quickly share your posts.
Here I’ll give you some tips for write good comments on other website:
- While Blog Commenting, always uses variations in Titles, Descriptions & Anchor Text.
- Use Quality Content.
- Your rankings, Subscription rates & CTR depend on the quality of your content.
- Always use interesting & relevant titles.
- Do not stuff excessive keywords in your titles.
- Never use Automatic
- Tools that will bookmark your links on hundreds of websites.
- While doing Blog Commenting only select the relevant categories.
- Add bookmark icons at the bottom of your blog posts.
FAQs: Blog Commenting Sites List
New bloggers are confiuse to blog commenting sites, so i decide to create some frequently asked question list for our readers.
What are high DA backlinks?
These are the most powerful types of links that you get from websites having high domain authority (DA).
Is Blog Commenting Still Effective?
Yes, blog commenting is still useful for search engine optimization and to build backlinks if you don’t do spam.
Should I Allow Commenting on my Blog?
Blog Comments should be allowed on most blogs. Without comments, a blog isn’t really a blog.
Are Backlinks still important?
Yes, backlinks are still an important factor of ranking websites in search results.
Conclusion; Blog commenting sites list
I hope friends you liked this article about Instant Approval Blog Commenting Sites list, which will give you high-quality dofollow backlinks and boost your SERP ranking. Do share if any valuable tips to make it more useful.
How to build more quality links: